Communion Counseling & Wellness

EMDR Therapy in Allen, TX

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Practitioner in the Allen, TX, Area

In the late 1980s, Dr. Francine Shapiro began conducting studies to determine if therapeutic methods involving eye movement could help reduce negative emotional states.

That’s when Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy was born.

Since then, it–or variations of the original therapeutic model–has helped tens of thousands of individuals struggling with PTSD, anxiety, depression, and even grief.

Communion Wellness offers an EMDR specialist to help our clients reprocess difficult emotions. Contact our offices today to schedule a consultation.

EMDR Treatment Can Help With…

  • Trauma & PTSD

    EMDR has been incredibly successful at helping individuals process acute and long-term traumatic events.

  • Anxiety Disorders

    EMDR’s focus on reprocessing events–be it a one-time occurrence or a recurring event–makes it well suited to treat anxiety disorders.

  • Depressive Disorders

    Studies indicate that EMDR is especially well suited to treating long-term depression because it helps reframe negative associations and reprocess traumatic events.

  • Dissociative Disorders

    Individuals who suffer from PTSD frequently suffer from concurrent dissociative disorders or, sometimes, suffer from symptomatic dissociation.

  • And More

    EMDR has proven effective for a variety of disorders, and our EMDR specialists are committed to helping our clients however we can.

The Eight-Phase EMDR Treatment Process

Client History

Your therapist begins treatment by discussing your history. This is an essential part of the therapeutic process, helping EMDR specialists identify acute traumatic experiences and understand how you continue to suffer because of them.

Client Preparation

During a therapeutic session, you’ll be asked to consider the traumatic events that caused your current suffering. Your therapist will prepare you for this reality by developing stress management and other coping skills.


In the final step prior to EMDR “proper,” your therapist will test your responses to traumatic stimuli. This forms a baseline against which they can compare your responses after the treatment.


During the desensitization phase, patients focus on their memory, thoughts, or images associated with a traumatic event while the therapist conducts “bilateral stimulation,” which can involve left-to-right tapping, lights, noises, or other stimuli. This continues until the client reports that the memory is no longer stressful.


During desensitization, patients are led through their traumatic experiences to process them again. During the installation phase, your therapist will work to replace those negative feelings with positive ones using the bilateral stimulation process from the desensitization phase.

Body Scan

Throughout both the desensitization and installation phases, your therapist will encourage you to “scan” your body. This means feeling the sensations in your body and identifying any element of distress.


At the end of each session, your therapist will explore your progress and suggest techniques that can help you more adequately cope with the stress during the process. This will help you progress through traumatic events systematically.


To begin your next session, your therapist will evaluate your current psychological state to determine if you’re still experiencing the effects of the previous session.

Schedule EMDR in Allen, TX, Today

The team at Communion Counseling & Wellness is committed to providing holistic health services that improve your life.

If you believe you’d benefit from EMDR in the Allen, TX, area, contact our offices today to schedule a consultation to discuss your treatment options.