Communion Counseling & Wellness

Couples Therapy in Allen, TX

Compassionate Relationship Counseling in the Allen, TX, Area

Long-term relationships don’t come with an instruction manual. They take hard work, dedication, and compassion to maintain.

But every relationship has ups and downs. If you and your partner are in a slump and you don’t know why, couples counseling can help you identify what’s happening in your relationship.

Communion Wellness offers individual and couples therapy for people who are looking to strengthen their relationships.

Our Marriage and Family Therapists Help Couples Who…

  • Have lost “the spark”

    Healthy relationships always take a lot of work. It’s inevitable that life gets in the way sometimes. If you feel disconnected from your partner, we can help you reignite your passion.

  • Can’t agree on finances

    Money is always a contentious issue, and the way a person sees money is deeply embedded into them from childhood. Our couples therapists will bridge the gap and help you get on the same page about your finances.

  • Experience conflict around childrearing

    Raising children is by far one of the most fulfilling experiences in the world. But couples often have different ideas about raising children. Our marriage counselors will help you raise children in a way that reflects your values.

  • Have lost a child

    Losing a child can devastate a couple. You’re learning how to live an entirely different, unplanned, and upsetting future. Our counselors can help you conquer this traumatic experience and rebuild a healthy marriage.

  • Have experienced infidelity

    Infidelity can destroy marriage because, at its heart, infidelity is the ultimate breach of trust. Our counselors will work with you to help your marriage recover from the trauma infidelity inflicted on it.

  • Are considering divorce

    Divorce is often the final solution for most couples experiencing difficulty in their relationships, but it’s not the only option. Contact the marriage counselors at Communion Wellness to learn how we can help.

What to Expect from Marriage & Relationship Counseling

Couples and individuals come into marital and relationship counseling with quite a few assumptions about what it is and isn’t.

In general, couples therapy will help you become a better partner. But it requires effort, and it sometimes may even require individual therapy to get to the root of your behaviors.

In general, your couples counselor will serve as a neutral arbiter to help you assess your relationship, resolve conflicts, and learn how to support each other more fully.

Family Counseling in Allen, TX

Your marriage isn’t your life’s only relationship. Communication and understanding can become difficult in any relationship.

Whether with a parent or a child, the counselors at Communion Wellness are committed to helping you create relationships that are more fulfilling and joyful.

Family therapy can help you improve your communication, resolve underlying resentments, and change your mental processes to better understand your intimate relationships.

If you’re considering family or marital counseling in Allen, TX, contact Communion Wellness today to schedule a consultation.

Schedule In-Person or Online Couples Counseling in the Allen, TX, Area

Communion Wellness offers in-person therapy and counseling at our Allen, TX, offices.

But we know that can be difficult for some people. That’s why we’re also available to meet and conduct therapy sessions online.

If you’re considering marriage counseling but feel like you don’t have the time, contact Communion Wellness to talk about online counseling.